ABORTION -- Acon., Alet., Arn., Bell., Calc. fl., Caul., Cham., Cim., Cinnam., Cinch., Coff., Croc., Gossyp., Helon., Hyos., Ipec., Kali c., Millef., Nit. ac., Nux v., Op., Pinnus lamb., Pyr., Rhus t., Sab., Sec., Sep., Tanac., Thlaspi, Trill., Vib. op.
Debility [from] -- Alet., Caul., Chin. s., Cinch., Helon., Sec.
Fatty degeneration of placenta [from] -- Phos.
Fright, emotions [From] -- Acon., Cham., Cim., Op.
Mental depression, shock, watching, low fever [From] -- Bapt.
Ovarian disease [from] -- Apis.
Syphilitic taint [from] -- Aur., Kali iod., Merc. c.
Traumatism [from] -- Arn., Cinnam.
Blood [with]
Dark, fluid; formication -- Sec.
Intermittent, pains spasmodic, excites suffocation, fainting; craves fresh air -- Puls.
Light, fluid; painless -- Millef.
Hæmorrhage persisting [with] -- Nit. ac., Thlaspi.
Pains [with]
Frequent, labor-like; no discharge -- Sec.
From small of back
Around to abdomen, ending in crampy, squeezing, bearing down, tearing down thighs -- Vib. op.
To pubes, worse from motion; blood partly clotted -- Sab.
To thighs; weak back; pains worse from motion; also subsequent debility and sweat -- Kali c.
Flying across abdomen, doubling her up; chills; pricking in breasts; pains in loins -- Cim.
Irregular, feeble, tormenting; scanty flow, or long continued, passive oozing; backache, weakness, internal trembling -- Caul.
Retained secundines [with] -- Cinch., Pyr.
Septicemia [with] -- Pyr.
Sequelæ [with] -- Kali c., Sab., Sul.
Tendency to abort -- Alet., Apis, Aur., Bac., Calc. c., Caul., Cim., Helon., Kali c., Kali iod., Merc. c., Merc., Plumb., Puls., Sab., Sec., Sep., Sil., Sul., Syph., Vib. op., Vib. pr., Zinc. m.
At second or third month -- Cim., Kali c., Sab., Sec., Vib. op.
Threatened -- Acon., Arn., Bapt., Bell., Caul., Cham., Cim., Cinch., Coff., Croc., Eup. purp., Ferr. m., Helon., Millef., Plumb. m., Puls., Sab., Sec., Trill., Vib. op., Vib. pr.
Complaints during pregnancy
Abdomen, must lie on, during early months -- Acet. ac., Pod.
Acne (See Skin.) -- Bell., Sab., Sep.
Albuminuria (See Kidneys - Urinary System.) -- Apis, Ars., Aut. mur., Cupr. ars., Gels., Glon., Helon., Indium, Kali chlor., Kal., Merc. c., Phos., Sab., Thlaspi, Thyr., Ver. v.
Arms hot, sore, Painful -- Zing.
Backache (See Locomotor System.) -- Æsc., Kali c.
Bilious complications -- Chel.
Bladder disturbances, tenesmus -- Bell., Canth., Caust., Equis., Ferr., Nux v., Pop. tr., Puls., Staph.
Breasts, Painful,
Inflammatory -- Bell., Bry.
Neuralgic -- Con., Puls.
Congestion of brain (See Head.) -- Glon.
Constipation (See Abdomen.) -- Alum., Collins., Lyc., Nux v., Op., Plat., Plumb., Sep.
Convulsions, spasms (See Nervous System.) -- Amyl, Cupr. m., Glon., Hyos., Lyssin, OEnanthe.
Cough -- Accin., Apoc., Bell., Bry., Cham., Caust., Con., Coral., Dros., Glon., Hyos., Kali br., Ipec., Nux v., Vib. op.
Cramps, in calves -- Cham., Cupr., Mag. p., Nux v., Ver. a.
Cravings, abnormal (See Stomach.) -- Alum., Calc. c., Carbo v., Sep.
Diarrhœa -- Ferr. m., Helleb., Nux m., Petrol., Phos. ac., Puls., Sec., Sul.
Discharge bloody (See Abortion.) -- Erig., Kali c., Phos., Rhus t.
Dyspepsia (heartburn, acidity) (See Stomach.) -- Acet. ac., Anac., Calc. c., Canth., Caps., Diosc., Nux v., Puls.
Dyspnea (See Respiratory System.) -- Apoc., Lyc., Nux v., Puls., Viola od.
False pregnancy -- Caul., Croc., Nux. v., Thuya.
Gastralgia -- Petrol.
Goiter -- Hydr.
Hæmorrhoids (See Abdomen.) -- Collins., Pod., Sul.
Herpes -- Sep.
Hiccough (See Stomach.) -- Cycl.
Insanity (See Mind.) -- Hyos.
Mental symptoms (See Mind.) -- Acon., Cham., Cim., Puls.
Metrorrhagia (See Uterus.) -- Cinch., Cinnam., Ipec., Nit. ac., Sec., Trill.
Morning sickness (nausea, vomiting) (See Stomach.) -- Acet. ac., Acon., Alet., Amyg. pers., Anac., Ant. t., Apomorph., Arg. n., Ars., Bry., Carb. ac., Cereum ox., Cim., Cocc., Colch., ucurb., Cupr. ac., Cycl., Gnaph., Gossyp., Ingluv., Ipec., Iris, Kali m., Kreos., Lac d., Lact. ac., Lob. infl., Mag. c., Merc., Nat. p., Nux m., Nux v., Petrol., Phos., Piloc., Psor., Puls., Sep., Staph., Symphor., Tab., Ther., Thyr.
Mouth, sore (See Mouth.) -- Hydr., Sinap. a.
Nervous sensitiveness, extreme -- Acon., Asar., Cim., Ther.
False labor -- Caul., Cham., Cim., Gels., Puls., Sec.
Abdomen [In], as if strained, left side -- Am. m.
Lumbar region [In], dragging, distressful -- Arn., Bell., Kali c., Nux v., Puls., Rhus t.
Rheumatic -- Acon., Alet., Cim., Op., Rhus t.
Plethora -- Acon.
Pruritus, vulvæ et vaginæ (See Vulva.) -- Acon., Ambra., Ant. c., Bor., Calad., Collins., Ichth., Sep., Tab.
Retinitis -- Gels.
Salivation -- Acet. ac., Ars., Iod., Jabor., Kreos., Lact. ac., Merc. s., Nat. m., Piloc., Sul.
Sexual excitement (See Nymphomania.) -- Plat.
Sleeplessness -- Acon., Cim., Coff., Nux v., Puls., Sul.
Toothache -- Acon., Bell., Calc. fl., Cham., Coff., Kreos., Mag. c., Nux v., Ratanh., Sep., Staph., Tab.
Toxemic conditions -- Kali chlor.
Uterine and abdominal soreness -- Ham., Puls.
Varicose veins -- Arn., Bellis, Calc. c., Carbo v., Ham., Lyc., Millef., Sul., Zinc. m.
Vertigo -- Bell., Cocc., Nux v.
Weariness in limbs, cannot walk -- Bellis.
CONVULSIONS (eclampsia) -- Acon., Æth., Amyl, Atn., Bell., Canth., Cham., Chloral, Cic., Cim., Coff., Cupr. ars., Cupr. m., Gels., Glon., Hydroc. ac., Hyos., Ign., Ipec., Kali br., Merc. c., Merc. d., OEnanthe, Op., Piloc., Plat., Solan. n., Spiræa., Stram., Ver. v., Zinc. m.
Backache violent, wants it pressed -- Caust., Kali c.
Excessive -- Bell., Coff
False labor pains -- Bell., Cham., Caul., Cim., Gels., Nux v., Puls., Sec., Vib. op.
Hour glass contraction -- Bell., Sec.
Delayed -- Kali p., Pituitrin.
Premature -- Sab.
Needle-like prickings in cervix -- Caul.
Across abdomen, doubling her up; pricking in mammæ; shivers during first stage -- Cim.
All over, exhaustion; fretful; shivering -- Caul.
From back to rectum, with urging to stool, or urination -- Nux v.
From loins down legs -- Aloe, Bufo, Carbo v., Caul., Cham., Nux v.
Upwards -- Cham., Gels.
Spasmodic, irregular, intermittent, ineffectual, fleeting -- Arn., Artem., Bell., Bor., Caul., Caust., Cham., Chloral., Cim., Cinnam., Cinch., Coff., Gels., Kali c., Kali p., Nat. m., Nux v., Op., Pituitrin, Puls., Sacchar. of., Sec.
Dyspnea from constriction of middle of chest arresting pains [with] -- Lob. infl.
Hypersensitiveness to pain [with] -- Acon., Bell., Caul., Caust., Cham., Cim., Cinch., Coff., Gels., Hyos., Ign., Nux v., Puls.
Relief from pressure in back [with] -- Caust., Kali c.
Syncope [with] -- Cim., Nux v., Puls., Sec.
Retained -- Arn., Canth., Caul., Cim., Cinch., Ergotin, Gossyp., Hydr., Ign., Puls., Sab., Sec., Viscum.
RIGID OS -- Acon., Bell., Caul., Cham., Cim., Gels., Lob. infl., Ver. v.
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