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Sunday, May 2, 2021



Difficult (sterility) -- Agn., Alet., Am. c., Aur. m., Bar. m.Bor., Calc. c., Can. ind., Caul., Con., Eup. purp., Gossyp., Graph., Helon., Iod., Lecith., Med., Nat. c., Nat. m., Nat. p., Phos., Plat.Sabal.

Easy -- Merc., Nar. m



Fainting during -- Murex, Orig., Plat.

Hćmorrhage after -- Arg. n., Kreos., Nit. ac., Sep.

Painful (See Vaginismus.) -- Apis, Arg. n., Bell., Berb. v., Ferr., Kreos., Lyc., Lyssin, Plat., Sep., Staph., Thuya.



A Nucleo-protein, a Nosode from Tubercular Abscess

Tuberculinum is indicated in renal affections, but caution is necessary, for where skin and intestines do not perform normally even high potencies are dangerous. In chronic cystitis, brilliant and permanent results (Dr. Nebel Montreux).

Of undoubted value in the treatment of incipient tuberculosis. Especially adapted to the light-complexioned, narrow-chested subjects. Lax fiber, low recuperative powers, and very susceptible to changes in the weather. Patient always tired; motion causes intense fatigue; aversion to work; wants constant changes. When symptoms are constantly changing and well-selected remedies fail to improve, and cold is taken from the slightest exposure. Rapid emaciation. Of great value in epilepsy, neurasthenia and in nervous children. Diarrhœa in children running for weeks, extreme wasting, bluish pallor, exhaustion. Mentally deficient children. Enlarged tonsils. Skin affections, acute articular rheumatism. Very sensitive, mentally and physically. General exhaustion. Nervous weakness. Trembling. Epilepsy. Arthritis.

Mind.--Contradictory characteristics of Tuberculinum are mania and melancholia, insomnia and sopor. Irritable, especially when awakening. Depressed, melancholy. Fear of dogs. Animals especially. Desire to use foul language, curse and swear.

Head.--Subject to deep brain headaches and intense neuralgias. Everything seems strange. Intense pain, as of an iron band around head. Meningitis. When critical discharges appear, sweat, polyuria, diarrhœa, exanthema, repeating the dose only when crises come on. Nocturnal hallucinations, awakes frightened. Plica polonica (Vinca). Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively appear in the nose; green, fetid pus.

Ears.--Persistent, offensive otorrhœa. Perforation in membrana tympani, with ragged edges.

Stomach.--Averse to meat. All-gone, hungry sensation (Sulph). Desire for cold milk.

Abdomen.--Early-morning, sudden diarrhœa (Sulph). Stools dark-brown, offensive, discharged with much force. Tabes mesenterica.

Female.--Benign mammary tumors. Menses too early, too profuse, long-lasting. Dysmenorrhœa. Pains increase with the establishment of the flow.

Respiratory.--Enlarged tonsils. Hard, dry cough during sleep. Expectoration thick, easy; profuse bronchorrhœa. Shortness of breath. Sensation of suffocation, even with plenty of fresh air. Longs for cold air. Broncho-pneumonia in children. Hard, hacking cough, profuse sweating and loss of weight, rales all over chest. Deposits begin in apex of lung (Repeated doses).

Back.--Tension in nape of neck and down spine. Chilliness between shoulders or up the back.

Skin.--Chronic eczema; itching intense; worse at night. Acne in tuberculous children. Measles; psoriasis (Thyroid).

Sleep.--Poor; wakes early. Overpowering sleepiness in daytime. Dreams vivid and distressing.

Fever.--Post-critical temperature of a remittent type. Here repeat dose every two hours (MacFarlan). Profuse sweat. General chilliness.

Modalities.--Worse, motion, music; before a storm; standing; dampness; from draught; early morning, and after sleep. Better, open air.

Relationship.--Compare: Koch's lymph (acute and chronic parenchymatous nephritis; produces pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, and congestion of the lungs in tuberculous patients, and is a remarkably efficacious remedy in lobular pneumonia-broncho-pneumonia); Aviare-Tuberculin from birds--(acts on the apices of the lungs; has proved an excellent remedy in influenzal bronchitis; symptoms similar to tuberculosis; relieves the debility, diminishes the cough, improves the appetite, and braces up the whole organism; acute broncho-pulmonary diseases of children; itching of palms and ears; cough, acute, inflammatory, irritating, incessant, and tickling; loss of strength and appetite); Hydrast (to fatten patients after Tuberc); Formic acid (tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, malignant tumors; pulmonary tuberculosis, not in third stage, however; lupus; carcinoma of breast and stomach; Dr. Krull uses injections of solutions corresponding to the third centesimal potency; these must not be repeated before six months). Compare: Bacil; Psorin; Lach. Kalagua (tuberculosis; garlicky odor of all secretions and breath). Teucrium scoradonia. Compare: Thuja (Vaccinosis may block the way of action of Tuberculin-until Thuja has been given and then acts brilliantly (Burnett).

Complementary: Calcarea; China; Bryon.

Dose.--Tuberculin needs more frequent repetition in children's complaints than nearly every other chronic remedy (H. Fergie Woods). Thirtieth and much higher, in infrequent doses. When Tuberculinum fails Syphilinum often follows advantageously, producing a reaction.

"The use of Tuberculinum in phthisis pulmonalis demands attention to the following points: In apyretic purely tubercular phthisis results are marked, provided the eliminative organs are in good order, but nothing below the 1000th should be used, unless absolutely necessary. With patients where streptostaphylo-pneumococci are in the bronchi; where also after washing the sputum, a pure "t b. " bacilli-mass remains, the same treatment is indicated. With mixed infection-found in the majority of cases-where the sputum swarms with virulent micro-organisms in addition to the "t b. ", other procedure is necessary. If the heart is in good shape, a single dose of Tuberculinum 1000-2000 is given, provided there are no marked indications for other remedies. With due attention to temperature and possible excretions, the dose is allowed to work until effects are no longer observed, eight days to eight weeks. Usually a syndrome then presents, permitting the accurate choice of an antipsoric Silica, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, etc. After a while the picture again darkens and now a high potency of the isopathic remedy corresponding to the most virulent and prominent micro-organism found in the sputum is given: Staphylo-Strepto-, or Pneumococcin. The accurate bacteriological analysis of the sputum is absolutely essential; the choice of the ison again clears the picture, and so, proceeding on the one side etiologically (where these isopathica have not yet been proved); on the other side symptomatically with antipsoric remedies, the disease is dominated.

My own experience warns, in the case of mixed infection, against the use of Strepto-, Staphylo-, or Pneumococcin below the 500th. I use them only from 2000 to 1000, having seen terrible aggravations from the 30, 100, 200, with a lowering temperature from 104 to 96. Hence the admonition, which need not concern scoffers, but those alone who wish to avail themselves of a potent weapon. The toxins used as remedies are, like Tuberculinum, prepared from pure and virulent cultures.

And cases, seemingly condemned to speedy death, are brought in a year or two back to normal temperature, though, of course, sacrificing a large portion of lung tissue. This result is sure when the patient can and will take care of himself, where the heart has withstood the toxin and the stomach and liver are in good function. Further, climatic variations must be avoided. With the great mineral metabolism of the phthisic, diet regulation is imperative, and should be preponderately vegetable, together with the addition of physiological salts in low potency, Calcarea carb, 3x, 5x, Calcarea phos, 2x, 6x, and intercurrently according to indications organ-remedies as Cactus Tr. 30, Chelidonium Tr. 30, Taraxacum Tr, Nasturtium Tr, Urtica urens Tr, Tussilago farfara Tr, Lysimachia numularia Tr, for short periods.

The first dose of Tuberculinum in any difficult case is, however, the most weighty prescription. The remedy should not be given without a most careful cardiac examination. As the surgeon before the anæsthetic, so must the physician know the heart before administering this drug, especially to children, and seniles-and to young seniles. He who observes this rule will have fewer clinical reproaches on his conscience. When Tuberculinum is contraindicated, recourse must be had to the nearest antipsoric.

The above caution applies also to asthma, pleuritis, peritonitis in scrofulous (tuberculous) subjects. " (Dr. Nebel Montreux)



The Chaste Tree

The most effective point of attack of Agnus upon the organism is the sexual organism. It lowers sexual vitality, with corresponding mental depression and loss of nervous energy. It shows this distinctive influence in both sexes, but is more pronounced in men. Premature old age from abuse of sexual power. History of repeated gonorrhśa. A prominent remedy for sprains and strains. Gnawing itching in all parts, especially eyes. Tachycardia caused by tobacco in neurotic young men.

Mind.--Sexual melancholy. Fear of death. Sadness with impression of speedy death. Absentminded, forgetful, lack of courage. Illusion of smell-herrings, musk. Nervous depression and mental forebodings.

Eyes.--Pupils dilated (Bell). Itching about eyes; photophobia.

Nose.--Odor of herring or musk. Aching in dorsum better pressure.

Abdomen.--Spleen swollen, sore. Stools soft, recede, difficult. Deep fissures in anus. Nausea with sensation as if intestines were pressed downwards; wants to support bowels.

Male.--Yellow discharge from urethra. No erections. Impotence. Parts cold, relaxed. Desire gone (Selen; Con; Sabal). Scanty emission without ejaculation. Loss of prostatic fluid on straining. Gleety discharge. Testicles, cold, swollen, hard, and painful.

Female.--Scanty menses. Abhorrence of sexual intercourse. Relaxation of genitals, with leucorrhśa. Agalactia; with sadness. Sterility. Leucorrhśa staining yellow; transparent. Hysterical palpitation with nose bleed.

Relationship.--Compare: Selenium; Phosph ac; Camphor; Lycop.

Dose.--First to sixth potency.



Carbonate of Lithium

Chronic rheumatism connected with heart lesions and asthenopia offer a field for this remedy. Rheumatic nodes. Uric acid diathesis Whole body is sore. Gout and tophi.

Head.--Tension, as if bound; better, sitting and going out. Externally sensitive. Headache ceases while eating. Trembling and throbbing. Pain in heart; extends to head. Dizzy states with ringing in ears. Both cheeks covered with dry, bran-like scales.

Eyes.--Half vision; invisible right half. Photophobia. Pain over eyes. Dry lids. Eyes pain after reading.

Stomach.--Acidity, nausea, gnawing, relieved by eating (Anacard). Cannot endure slightest pressure of clothes (Laches).

Urine.--Tenesmus. Turbid urine, with mucus and red deposit. Pain in region of right kidney. Free and colorless. While urinating, pressure in heart. Cystitis, subacute and chronic.

Respiratory.--Constriction of chest. Violent cough when lying down. Air feels cold when inspired. Pain in mammary glands, which extend into the arms and fingers.

Heart.--Rheumatic soreness in cardiac region. Sudden shock in heart. Throbbing, dull stitch in cardiac region. Pains in heart before menses, and associated with pains in bladder, and before urinating; better, after. Trembling and fluttering in heart, extending to back.

Urinary.--Soreness of bladder; pain in right kidney and ureter. Turbid urine with mucus, scanty and dark, acrid; sandy deposit.

Extremities.--Paralytic stiffness all over. Itching about joints. Rheumatic pains throughout shoulder-joint, arm, and fingers and small joints generally. Pain in hollow of foot, extending to knee. Swelling and tenderness of finger and toe joints; better, hot water. Nodular swellings in joints. Ankles pain when walking.

Skin.--Scabby, tettery eruption on hands, head, and cheeks, preceded by red, raw skin. Dull stitch, ending in itching. Barber's itch (use high). Rough rash all over body, much loose epithelium, tough, dry, itchy skin.

Modalities.--Worse, in morning, right side. Better, rising and moving about.

Relationship.--Compare: Lyc; Ammon phos; Benz ac; Calc; Lithium chlor (symptoms of cinchonism, viz.: Dizzy head, full, bluring of vision Ringing in ears; marked tremors; general weakness; marked muscular and general prostration; no gastro-intestinal effects. Nose sore, heartburn, pain in teeth). Lithium lacticum (rheumatism of shoulder, and small joints relieved by moving about; worse, resting). Lithium benzoicum (deep-seated pains in loins; in small of back; uneasiness in bladder. Cystic irritation. Gallstones. Frequent desire. Diminishing uric acid deposit). Lithium bromatum (cerebral congestion, threatened apoplexy, insomnia and epilepsy).

Dose.--First to third trituration.




Cina is pre-eminently a child's remedy, but it is suitable for conditions in adults that are seldom thought of. A marked feature running through is touchiness, mental and physical. The child wants something, but does not know what. The child is aggravated by touch and even by being looked at, and is worse from seeing strangers. The skin is sensitive to touch. The scalp and back of the neck, the shoulders and arms are so sensitive, that it is almost a soreness as if bruised. The hyperaesthesia is both mental and physical. The old routine of giving Cina for worms need not go into your notes, for if you are guided by symptoms the patient will be cured and the worms will go.

This patient is disturbed by everything, worse after eating even a moderate meal. The child takes a moderate supper and dreams all night, jerks and twitches in sleep, rouses up in a fright, talks excitedly about what he has dreamed, thinks it is real, and sees dogs, phantoms, and frightful things he has dreamed about. The dream is prolonged into the wakeful hours. Screams and trembles, with much anxiety on waking; whines and complains. While this little patient is aggravated by being handled yet he wants to be carried and kept busy, like Chamomilla; although not so intensely irritable as that remedy, yet be must be carried. At first on taking him out of the crib he screams when taken hold of; the first touch aggravates. This aggravation from touch and sensitiveness runs through the convulsions and fevers, with delirium, glassy eyes, drawn mouth and white ring around the nose and mouth. With a disordered stomach he has convulsions after eating, with the head drawn back and glassy eyes.

The stomach is sour and the child is always spitting up sour milk and belching sour wind. The child smells sour. The mother says that "Baby has a worm breath," but the same odour is present when there are no worms. In the convulsions there are loss of consciousness and frothing at the mouth.

Hallucinations of smell, sight and taste, in the delirious state, after taking cold, or on waking from sleep; wakes up with the delusion. Things taste and smell differently. The senses of taste and touch are exaggerated or perverted.

In some cases of internal hydrocephalus, not with enlarged skull, but with increase of the fluid in the ventricles and central canal of the spinal cord, the patients take on Cina symptoms. Rolling of the head; frequent headache; sensitiveness to jar; cannot be touched or tapped along the spinal cord without headache; always worse in the sun; the head is hot and the feet are cold in the sun. Cina will cure some of these cases. They cannot stand any kind of disturbance; it produces a convulsion. They cannot be punished because they go into convulsions. If the iter a tertio ad quartum ventriculum is closed they will be incurable, the internal pressure will go on and they will die from it. Such congenital states are incurable.

Dull headache with sensitiveness of the eyes. Headache before and after epileptic attacks and after intermittents. Before and during the headache sensitiveness of the skull. Cina children cannot have the hair combed, and the Cina woman must have her hair down in head and nerve complaints.

There is coldness of the extremities and also some itching of the skin, but the head symptoms are predominant. From slight disturbances of the mind he cannot digest, and he has diarrhoea. The complaints are aggravated in summer; the heat affects the brain, arrests his functions, and on comes diarrhoea with green, slimy stools or white stools, and the child vomits. It is pre-eminently brain in Cina; the orders are not received from the brain and so stomach symptoms develop, and worms hatch out. If he is cured the healthy gastric juice will chase the worms out.

The child turns his head from side to side. The pains are sometimes better from turning the head from side to side. You will see this in sensitive women, who must have their hair down; rolling the head relieves, not shaking as in the text, that is too violent.

All sorts of colors before the eyes. Objects look yellow. It is useful in sensitive women, sensitive nervous women, who are always worse from using the eyes, and get pain in the head and eyes from sewing. It is like Ruta in that respect, symptoms of eye-strain. It is not so much indicated in young people but more when presbyopia is beginning in middle-aged women, and there is the effort to strain the eyes on fine work or print. Rubs the eyes and can then see more clearly. On rising from the bed blackness before the eyes; different colors, especially yellow. Strabismus when worms are present, depending really on brain trouble because the worms are dependent upon that.

Face sunken, pallid, wings of nose drawn in. Blue ring or gray streak around the mouth. "A sure sign of worms," the mother says. Child rubs its nose with the hands or on the pillow or on the nurse's shoulder. Child bores into the nose until the blood comes. The sickly aspect is striking, hut it is representative of brain trouble, central trouble. The brain symptoms are the highest and most important. If frightened, whipped, or scolded, the brain is disturbed and the stomach disordered. They get indigestion and breed worms; white or blue appearance about the mouth, grinding of the teeth during sleep. Before the child has teeth it has a chewing motion, a side to side movement. Sensitiveness of the teeth to the cold air and cold water. Bleeding from the mouth and nose. Inability to swallow liquids; they gurgle down the oesophagus - before or after convulsions. When the head symptoms are present, the milk or water gurgles down the oesophagus with a gurgling cluck. This is present in diarrhoea and vomiting with brain symptoms. Ars. and Cupr. are also prominent in gurgling down the oesophagus when swallowing. Choreic movements extend to the tongue.

The child or adult is not relieved by eating, is still hungry. The stomach is loaded and yet he is hungry. After vomiting you would expect there would be an aversion to food, but there is in Cina the same empty, hungry feeling. When there is gnawing in the stomach after eating, or when the child has taken all it can hold yet cries for the bottle, or empties its stomach by spitting up and vomiting the food and then reaches out whining and crying for more, think of Cina. Shuddering when drinking wine as if it were vinegar.

Abdomen hard and bloated. Very often the Cina child will flop over on its belly and get to sleep in that way. If it is turned on the side it wakes up again. While in the mother's arms it will go to sleep with the abdomen resting on the mother's shoulder, but when she puts it on the side in bed it wakens. If you had a child with copious, gushing, violently foetid stool, ameliorated by lying on the abdomen, and it would have another stool if lying any other way, Podoph. would be the remedy. That would not be Cina. The Cina stool is not very copious, and often white.

Gagging cough in the morning. Short, hacking cough at night. Spasmodic cough. Whooping cough.

Oversensitiveness to touch; trembling, spasms, chorea. Spasmodic yawning. Child cannot sleep unless on the belly or in constant motion.



by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T

Phosphate of Iron

In the early stages of febrile conditions, it stands midway between sthenic activity of Aconite and Bell, and the asthenic sluggishness and torpidity of Gels. The typical Ferr phos subject is not full blooded and robust, but nervous, sensitive, anæmic with the false plethora and easy flushing of Ferrum. Prostration marked; face more active than Gels. The superficial redness never assumes the dusky hue of Gels. Pulse soft and flowing; no anxious restlessness of Acon. Susceptibility to chest troubles. Bronchitis of young children. In acute exacerbation of tuberculosis, a fine palliative of wonderful power. Corresponds to Grauvogl's Oxygenoid Constitution, the inflammatory, febrile, emaciating, wasting consumptive.

The remedy for first stage of all febrile disturbances and inflammations before exudation sets in; especially for catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract. Ferr phos. 3x increases hemoglobin. In pale, anæmic subjects, with violent local congestions. Hæmorrhages, bright from any orifice.

Head.--Soreness to touch, cold, noise jar. Rush of blood to head. Ill effects of sun-heat. Throbbing sensation. Vertigo. Headache better cold applications.

Eyes.--Red, inflamed, with burning sensation. Feeling as of sand under lids. Hyperæmia of optic disc and retina, with blurred vision.

Ears.--Noises. Throbbing. First stage of otitis. Membrana tympani red and bulging. Acute otitis; when Bellad fails, prevents suppuration.

Nose.--First stage of colds in the head. Predisposition to colds. Epistaxis; bright red blood.

Face.--Flushed; cheeks sore and hot. Florid complexion. Facial neuralgia; worse, shaking head and stooping.

Throat.--Mouth hot; fauces red, inflamed. Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red and swollen. Eustachian tubes inflamed. Sore throat of singers. Subacute laryngitis with fauces inflamed and red (2x). After operations on throat and nose to control bleeding and relieve soreness. First stage of diphtheria. Ranula in vascular, sanguine constitutions.

Stomach.--Aversion to meat and milk. Desire for stimulants. Vomiting of undigested food. Vomiting of bright red blood. Sour eructations.

Abdomen.--First stage of peritonitis. Hæmorrhoids. Stools watery, bloody, undigested. First stage of dysentery, with much blood in discharges.

Urinary.--Urine spurts with every cough. Incontinence. Irritation at neck of bladder. Polyuria. Diurnal enuresis.

Female.--Menses every three weeks, with bearing-down sensation and pain on top of head. Vaginismus. Vagina dry and hot.

Respiratory.--First stage of all inflammatory affections. Congestions of lungs. Hæmoptysis. Short, painful tickling cough. Croup. Hard, dry cough, with sore chest. Hoarseness. Expectoration of pure blood in pneumonia (Millefol). Cough better at night.

Heart.--Palpitation; pulse rapid. First stage of cardiac diseases. Short, quick, soft pulse.

Extremities.--Stiff neck. Articular rheumatism. Crick in back. Rheumatic pain in shoulder; pains extend to chest and wrist. Whitlow. Palms hot. Hands swollen and painful.

Sleep.--Restless and sleepless. Anxious dreams. Night sweats of anæmia.

Fever.--Chill daily at 1 pm. All catarrhal and inflammatory fevers; first stage.

Modalities.--Worse, at night and 4 to 6 pm; touch, jar, motion, right side. Better, cold applications.

Relationship.--Compare: (Oxygenoid Constitution. Acon; China; Arsenic; Graphit; Petrol). Ferrum pyrophosph (congestion of brain and headache following great loss of blood; tarsal cysts); Acon; Gelsem; China.

Dose.--Third to twelfth potency.


Complementary Medicine

 Complementary Medicine

Topic Overview

What is complementary medicine?

The word "complementary" means "in addition to." Complementary medicine is a term used for a wide variety of health care practices that may be used along with standard medical treatment.

Examples of complementary medicine include:

  • Alternative health approaches such as traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy.
  • Mind and body practices like acupuncture, massage therapy, and tai chi.
  • Natural products like herbs, dietary supplements, and probiotics.

Is research being done on it?

Some complementary practices have been studied and tested. But most haven't been studied with well-designed trials. That means there are still many questions about these practices. We often don't have good evidence from science about whether they are safe, when they should be used, and how well they work.

In the U.S., the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health was formed within the National Institutes of Health to test the safety and effectiveness of these treatments. The center has guidelines to help you choose safe treatments that are right for you.

Should you use complementary medicine?

People often use complementary practices along with care from their medical doctor to deal with chronic health problems, treat symptoms, or stay healthy.

Find out about the safety of any complementary product or practice you want to try. Most mind and body practices—such as acupuncture, meditation, and yoga—are very safe when used by healthy people with a well-trained professional. Choose an instructor or practitioner as carefully as you would choose a doctor.

Talk with your doctor about any complementary health practice that you would like to try or are already using. Your doctor can help you manage your health better if he or she has the whole picture about your health.

Some of these treatments may be covered by your health insurance. But check to see what your plan covers.

What are the risks?

The greatest risk is that you may use these treatments instead of going to your regular doctor. Complementary medicine should be in addition to treatment from your doctor. Otherwise you may miss important treatment that could save your life.

Some natural products may be safe when you take them on their own. But they may not be safe if you have other medical problems. And they could be dangerous when they are combined with another medicine you take. To be safe, always check with your doctor before you use any new natural products or supplements.

Natural products can vary widely in how strong they are. And they may also contain harmful things not listed on the label. Your doctor or practitioner may be able to recommend a brand you can trust.

Also, complementary medicine isn't controlled as much as standard medicine. This means you could become a victim of fraud. Sellers or people who practice complementary medicine are more likely to be frauds if they:

  • Require large up-front payments.
  • Promise quick results or miracle cures.
  • Warn you not to trust your doctor.

What are the benefits?

One benefit is that many people who practice complementary medicine take a "whole person," or holistic, approach to treatment. They may take an hour or more to ask you questions about your lifestyle, habits, and background. This makes many people feel better about the treatment, the person giving the treatment itself, and the condition.

In some cases, this type of medicine works as well as standard medicine. Also, these treatments may cost less and have fewer side effects than standard treatment.

Some people feel more in control when they are more involved in their own health. And since most complementary medicine looks at the connection between mind and body, many people who use it feel better. They like working toward overall wellness instead of just relief from one problem.



Topic Overview

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a medical philosophy and practice based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself. Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s in Germany and has been widely practiced throughout Europe. Homeopathic medicine views symptoms of illness as normal responses of the body as it attempts to regain health.

Homeopathy is based on the idea that "like cures like." That is, if a substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving the person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the illness. In theory, a homeopathic dose enhances the body's normal healing and self-regulatory processes.

A homeopathic health practitioner (homeopath) uses pills or liquid mixtures (solutions) containing only a little of an active ingredient (usually a plant or mineral) for treatment of disease. These are known as highly diluted or "potentiated" substances. There isn't strong evidence from science to show that homeopathic medicines are effective for any specific condition.

What is homeopathy used for?

Some people have used homeopathy to maintain health and treat a wide range of long-term illnesses, such as allergies, atopic dermatitisrheumatoid arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome. They have also used it to treat minor injuries, such as cuts and scrapes and muscle strains or sprains. Homeopathic treatment is not considered appropriate for illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, major infections, or emergencies.

Homeopathy has been widely used in India, England, and other European countries.

Is homeopathy safe?

Homeopathic remedies have been regulated in the United States since 1938. They are thought to be safe in most cases. But some of these products may cause side effects. Others can interact with medicines that you are taking. And there isn't any evidence to show that you can safely use homeopathic products instead of getting recommended shots or vaccines.

Some critics of homeopathy believe that there is so little active substance in a solution that any benefits from treatment are likely not because of the substance but because you are thinking it is effective (placebo effect).

It is important to tell your medical doctor if you decide to use homeopathic remedies. He or she should have full knowledge of your health to help you make wise decisions about where to purchase homeopathic dilutions and what homeopathic practitioner to see. Homeopathic remedies should not replace conventional treatments for serious health concerns.

You can buy some homeopathic medicines at health food stores without a doctor's prescription. But preparations from different suppliers and practitioners may vary.

Talk with your doctor about any complementary health practice that you would like to try or are already using. Your doctor can help you manage your health better if he or she knows about all of your health practices.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Force Drops for Vigour, Male Stimulant (Aphrodisiac)


Force Drops for Vigour, Male Stimulant (Aphrodisiac)

Force Drops from N.P. Dutta is a Quality aphrodisiac oral liquid that address sexual weakness arising out of various reasons. It is recommended for general debility, seminal weakness, unable to copulate and depression of sexual disoureness.


Ingredients & mode of action:

Origanum Vulgare Q : It is used to lower sexual desires.

Damiana Q : It has a reputation as an aphrodisiac and used in sexual neurasthenia, impotency, and sexual debility from nervous prostration.

Tribulus Terrestris Q: For male sexual disorders, and an aphrodisiac due to androgen increasing property. It is indicated for debilitated states of the sexual organs, as expressed in seminal weakness, ready emission and impoverished semen. And also recommends for prostatis, sexual neurasthenia, auto- traumatism of masturbation correcting the emissions and spermatorrhoea.

Onosmodium Virginianum Q: It is used for power of concentration and coordination, sexual weakness. It produces diminution of sexual desire in both sexes. And a remedy in sexual neurasthenia. Depressed or lost sexual life in women.

Dolichos Q: Exalted nervous sensibility and senile pruritus are also covered.

Crocus Sativus Q: It is used as antispasmodic, emmenagogue and a stimulant also it is used for frequent and extreme changes in sensations and mental condition and as an anti-inflammatory.

Withania Somnifera Q: It has been widely used as aphrodisiac, sex stimulant, rejuvenator, and as a strength and vigor promoting drug.

Salix Nigra Q: It is a great sexual tonic for male. It cures nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhoea, impotence and nervous disorders.

Agnus Castus Q: It is for low sexual vitality with corresponding mental depression, loss of nervous energy, infertility and erectile dysfunction in man. It shows distinctive influence in both sexes. It is of service in impotency in those who are suffering from indiscretion.

Avena Sativa Q: It has nerve tonic, nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, stimulant property.


Doses and direction: Adult: 20 drops, 2 times daily, or as directed by the physician.


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