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Wednesday, June 3, 2020



The flowers are blooming, the grass is growing, the spring winds are blowing. Sounds wonderful unless you happen to be one of the unlucky ones who dreads the onset of allergies. Homeopathy can help alleviate both short-term and long-term allergy symptoms. Long-term allergy relief is best accomplished with the help of a homeopathic professional. For short-term allergy relief, try one of the remedies below:
  • Allium cepa: Burning discharge from nose, bland discharge from eyes, light hurts the eyes, sicking/pricking sensation in larynx.
  • Euphrasia: eyes very swollen with thick, burning discharge, bland discharge from nose, coughing up phlegm, feels worse indoors.
  • Sabadilla: violent sneezing, itchy nose, red, and swollen eyelids, runny eyes, headache as if head is shrinking, chilly, person’s thinking is dull and slow.
  • Nux vomica: stuffiness and blocked breathing, itchiness inside ears, the eyes burn and are sensitive to light, person is irritable.
  • Pulsatilla: bland yellow discharge from the nose and eyes, weepy or tearful disposition, persona feels better in open air.
  • Arsenicum album: wheezing and tightness in lungs, burning throat, person is restless and worried.
  • Arundo: early in hay fever season with tickly nose and sneezing, no discharge, roof of mouth itchy.

Allergic Respiratory Swelling

Allergic Respiratory Swelling

Note: Allergic respiratory swelling can be a life-threatening emergency if there is any indication that breathing may be obstructed. Call an ambulance immediately. After you call an ambulance, you may administer the remedy below.
  • Apis mellfica: sudden swelling of the tongue or tissues of the throat. Use the highest potency you have.


Homeopathy for acne is different from conventional treatment in that a homeopathic remedy is individualized to the person. Because every person is different, no single homeopathic remedy will work for everyone. A remedy is selected based on a person’s unique set of symptoms, including (but not limited to) their acne symptoms. Therefore, seeking care with a homeopathic healthcare provider will likely result in the greatest success when treating acne.
Below are just a few of the many possible remedies that homeopaths consider for treating acne:
  • Hepar sulph: pimples that are very painful; they may feel like a splinter in the skin. Lesions are very sensitive to touch and possibly cold. They may cluster in crops on the forehead and tend to form pustules and whiteheads easily. Discharge may smell like old cheese. In general, the person may be very chilly and oversensitive to pain, touch, cold, and slight causes.
  • Calcarea sulph: severe cystic acne. Lesions persist in one place for weeks and do not heal quickly. Yellow, creamy pus drains for a long time. Unhealthy-looking skin with yellowish scabs. Pimples on face and near ears and hairline. Tendency to infections of the sinuses, ears, and tonsils that persist a long time. Person may be warm-blooded and feel worse in warm rooms.
  • Kali bromatum: acne begins in the teen years and continues relentlessly into adulthood. Bluish, red pustules on the face, chest, and shoulders that leave scars, purple spots, or a depression in the skin. Pimples may have a depressed center or be painful, large red cysts with a white or yellow center. In females, the acne may be worse near the menstrual period. The person may have fidgety hands and feed, unpleasant dreams, restless sleep, and teeth grinding. They may be worse from warmth.
  • Pulsatilla: acne in young girls that is associated with the onset of puberty. Acne that is associated with the menstrual period (especially when the period is irregular or absent) or with pregnancy. The person tends to have little thirst; to be weepy and like comfort and consolation; and to be chilly but like open, cool air and gentle motion.
  • Silica: deep, hard cystic acne, like boils on the face, especially the cheeks; pimples often to do not come to a head or show pus. Pimples are very slow to heal and leave pitting scars. The person tends to get infections easily and frequently. They may be chilly with sweaty hands and feet. They may be fatigued and lacking in strength and confidence, while also being obstinate with fixed ideas.
  • Sulphur: acne with very oily skin. Blackheads are plentiful. Pimples and whiteheads are very large but not that deep. The face, especially the nose, is generally affected and tends to become reddened. Pimples may be painless but itchy. The skin may be rough and worse from washing. The acne may also be worse from heat, before the menstrual period, and from eating fatty foods. (This remedy is especially indicated for rosacea, a reddening of the face that causes acne-like eruptions.



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